Frequently Asked Questions

To be honest, I haven't been asked a lot of questions regarding pris-types. So, this page is mostly made of questions I asked myself during development.

Can I delete my model on build? How?

Yes, pretty much like you'd do for prop-types: using a Babel plugin.

Can I destructure PrisTypes?

Before running your function, the module requires PrisTypes and destructures all its fields:

const { PrisTypes, PrisMocks } = require('pris-types')
const { Boolean, RichText, /* ... */ }  = PrisTypes

This means that instead of calling you can import field types separately too:

import { PrisTypes: { RichText, Boolean } } from 'pris-types'

const title = RichText({ options: ['heading1'] })

Using custom functions in Model returns undefined. Why?

My guess is you did something like this, thinking it woud work:

import { PrisTypes } from 'pris-types'
const randomString = () => `...`

const bool = PrisTypes.Boolean({ placeholder: randomString() })

Unfortunately, pris-types evaluates your code in a certain context and at the moment, this context cannot be extended.